
"Now that we know, what are we doing about it?"; The Seventh Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference:Friday January 8th - Sunday 10th, 2010

Note: Cross posted from [wp angelfury] Battered Mothers Rights - A Human Rights Issue.



The Seventh Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference:

"Now that we know, what are we doing about it?"

Friday January 8th - Sunday 10th, 2010

Holiday Inn Turf, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY

Make reservations early to get the $99 Conference Rate

Online Registration

2010 Announcement, Brochure, and Mail-In Registration

The Conference in PBS' Documentary Film: Breaking the Silence, Children's Stories

Center for Judicial Excellence Film: Family Court Crisis

   About the Conference


2009 Conference - BMCC VI:  SOLUTIONS

Announcement and General Information

Brochure Presenters Schedule Co-Sponsors

Two journalists comment on the 2009 conference:



By Garland Waller

January 13, 2009

The start of the New Year always fills me with hope, with plans for change, with determination. But for me, there is also an annual event that overshadows the hoopla and superficial goals. For me, the New Year heralds the Battered Mothers Custody Conference ... full article

This is Really Hard to Believe


By Barry Nolan

Thursday, 15 January 2009 09:14

This is really hard to believe. I am sitting in a room filled with women who were beaten, and violated in terrible ways. The room is not in Bosnia, or some far flung third-world hell-hole. I am ... at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference ... full article



Holly Ann Collins sought asylum for her children and herself in the Netherlands to escape abuse; her case has recently received national attention. Holly's daughter Jennifer, now 23, is unabashedly demanding answers from America's family courts.  Jennifer has posted extensive information, court documents, and videos online atChildrenUnderground.;She presented her family's story at the 2009 conference.



The Conference includes presentations, round-table discussions, and question & answer sessions with nationally distinguished
professionals whose work is focused on resolving the complex issues facing battered women as they strive to protect themselves
and their children in and out of court during custody and visitation disputes.  It is open to lay persons and of special interest to
advocates, social workers, psychologists, attorneys, judges, legal personnel, and others involved in the issue of battered women's
and abused children's legal and civil rights being routinely violated by family courts, DSS, and other government systems.

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A National Crisis is not funded and has no paid staff.
It has been, from its inception, a
completely volunteer-driven, self-sustaining, grassroots phenomenon,
and is entirely the unpaid work product of its creators and presenters.
The Conference is
neither financially supported by,
nor officially affiliated with,
any one particular group,


gender-based ideology,

or political agenda.

More about the Conference

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