
Joe Kennedy: A Politician that Domestic Violence Perpetrators Can Count On?

Joe Kennedy: A Politician that Domestic Violence Perpetrators Can Count On?

Filed under: Activism, Call to action, Corrupt politicians, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Fathers Rights, Getting screwed by the politicians, Hate Crimes, Human Rights, Intimate Partner Assault, Joe Kennedy, Massachusetts, Mother's Rights, Parents Rights, VAWA, Violence Against Women Act, Violence against men, Violence against women, fathers fighting for custody — justice4mothers @ 7:20 pm

Massachusetts voters, take note.  Candidate for U.S. Senate Joe Kennedy (no, he isn’t one of those Kennedys) seems to have aligned with father’s rights advocates in the state.  Joe prepared a little statement on the Violence Against Women Act for the boy’s club there.  Seems they are very concerned about allegations of abuse and parental rights.  Usually it is the abusers that scream the loudest about false allegations.  Like Mark Godbey, author of Father’s Parental Rights blog.

False Allegations, Dishonest Tactics, What Does A Honest Parent To Do?

mkg4583 wrote 3 days ago: False Allegations, Dishonest Tactics, What Does A Honest Parent To Do? By: Ed Brooks via False Alleg … more →

Parental Rights

Who’s to blame, parents mainly, but the vase majority of cases arise out of false allegations of abuse, and the misuse/abuse DVrestraining orders to gain

Pretty pathetic, given he’s had three restraining orders on him and is currently on probation from what we can tell from the court records.

So back to Joe Kennedy.  Why is he protecting parents who have abuse allegations?  Study after study show that false allegations of abuse are very rare.  Yes, gender HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT (father’s rights groups try and make it a gender issue).  But for the children’s sake, shouldn’t abuse allegations be investigated?  (And not by some paid-for Whore of the Court).  Why does Joe Kennedy want this factor eliminated?  Doesn’t he know there are laws on the books everywhere that makes it a crime for one person to assault another person?  Maybe he doesn’t believe it happens or doesn’t read the newspaper?  He doesn’t seem to know very much if he thinks it has to be addressed in state legislatures.  He doesn’t seem to think one person assaulting another is a criminal act, already punishable by law, if only our police forces, prosecutor’s offices and criminal courts would do their jobs and uphold the law.

I will be sending him the latest U.S. Department of Justice report on domestic violence to educate him on how many more female victims there are than male victims.

Warn Massachusetts mothers about this one…

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Fathers’ rights issues
From: support@fatherhoodcoalition.org
Date: Tue, December 29, 2009 5:53 am
To: joe@joekennedyforsenate.com


Thank you for the requested statement which I will distribute to our
fathers’ email boards.

Will you raise these fathers’ rights issues (eg, $10b-plus VAWA
legislation) in the upcoming debates?

Again, for reference, I direct you to The Fatherhood Coalition website
www.fatherhoodcoalition.org for information.

Joe Ureneck

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: [SPAM] Fathers’ rights issues
From: <postmaster@ilawg.com>
Date: Mon, December 28, 2009 10:33 pm
To: <support@fatherhoodcoalition.org>

Joe I believe this is what you are looking for.

While significant domestic violence issues exist and must be dealt
with, the Violence Against Women Act [VAWA] is not the solution.
First off, no bill should be gender biased. If we were to have any
bill addressing violence it must be gender neutral. Secondly, the
issue of domestic violence needs to be addressed by individual states
as does funding. Any issue which funnels money through federal
bureaucracies only dilutes actual dollars that go to the cause. In
addition to these two issues which would already lead to my not
supporting a bill of this nature is the potential abuse of the bill.

Today the concept that any parent (man or woman) could be denied their
parental rights based on the mere allegation of abuse begs for
We have a domestic abuse problem in this country and both
men and women are victims. Domestic violence issues are serious and
must be addressed without bias by legislature on the state level and
in a manner that directly deals with the issue of abuse.

Joe Kennedy


From: support@fatherhoodcoalition.org
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 7:24 PM
To: joe@joekennedyforsenate.com
Subject: [SPAM] Fathers’ rights issues

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