
Daily Activities to Prep up for Mothers Day Rally, All Protective Mothers Needed to help! DAY 1 CHALLENGE

Daily activities to prep up for mothers day, all protective mothers needed to help! DAY 1 CHALLENGE

by Mia Tyler Kailin on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 7:48pm

We have a month until the March on Mother's day, and in support of that we will be doing daily activities to raise awareness and ensure a huge turnout. Invite your friends to participate and watch for a challenge each day! These will be simple things that anyone can do, even those with gag orders! Do this for your kids! Do it for my kids!

For day one, we all send letters to President Obama, you can copy and paste this letter to a word document and then print. Then you can fax or snail mail, and you can just put town and state for the return address. You will need to put some kind of return address or the Pres won't  open it for security reasons.

Many thanks for the mom who wrote this! Will give her credit if she wants her name out here. Feel free to mail a few for your friends who are too scared, or one of the moms in jail. You can tweek it if you want to, and it would be BEST if you handwrite the signature so he knows it is not a mass mailing from the same folks. We hope to get at least 1000 out. Let us know if you can, so we have an idea of how many respond. Lets give those who march a headstart!

contact info

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Please include your e-mail address

Phone Numbers

Comments: 202-456-1111

Switchboard: 202-456-1414

FAX: 202-456-2461

Or you can email here < http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact> just copy and paste without the arrows.

Dear President Obama,

   Hopefully you are aware that in one month, Mother's across this great Nation of ours will gather in front of the White House. It is our intention to bring attention to the ongoing problem with the Family Court System.

   For several decades the Family Court System has been broken.  Judges are universally handing children over to father's who abuse them physically, mentally and sexually. When Mother's attempt to seek help in our judicial system, we are finding it has been hijacked by our abusers. Despite common knowledge and recognition that Domestic Violence and child abuse exists and is against the law, we have found that these laws do not apply in Family Court.

   When we attempt to seek help from our local Governments, we are being told that there is nothing they can do. When Mother's ask for help from Senators and Congressmen, we are told that it is not a Federal problem.  These issues extend throughout all fifty states. Therefore, it clearly is an issue for our Federal Government.

  With recent findings of corrupt procedures and court personnel in states, such as California, and recent news articles, like those by Peter Jamison from the SF Weekly, it is becoming apparent that these issues and problems are spiraling out of control. It is time to reconsider the validity in paying men to remain in the lives of their children. Especially when we consider that much of these funds are being used by abusers to take children from their mothers simply for the purpose of continuing the cycle of abuse.  Family Court is perpetuating the continuation of abuse.

   President Obama, we would like for you to acknowledge us when we are in Washington DC. We would also like for you  to acknowledge the seriousness of this issue. We would also like for you to inform us on how your administration is going to start taking action and begin protecting women and children. Finally, we would like for you to outline what specific steps you are going to take to end Family Court corruption.

   President Harry Truman always stated, "the buck stops here." We realize the you inherited the issues with Family Court. The issue is that when you accepted the position and took the oath, you became responsible for the existing problems that were carried over from previous administrations. Unfortunately, the past administration passed "the buck" to you. We are asking that you do not "pass the buck" and instead work toward fixing a broken system, providing women and children with the hope that you consider us an important part of your constituents.


A Mother